Saturday, December 13, 2008

The End

I woke up super early and super nervous about catching my flights. I settled everything with Whitley, checked out and waited patiently for my Shuttle bus to pick me up. It never came. I think the office ladies thought I was crazy when I burst in crying that the bus forgot me. Apparently when I made the arrangement the day before the man forgot to write it down -figures. Anyway, they got me on the next bus and I made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. All of my luggage was exactly the right amount weight-wise, so I was carrying around 2 seventy pound bags before I got checked in plus my carry-ons. The flight out of Melbourne was delayed but I was just so happy to get on that plane, have a free beer and relax for the first time all morning. I was having a hard time sleeping so I watched 3 movies and TV between naps and meals. Of course by the time I reached LA I had missed all my connecting flights so I was stuck. Fortunately, I got bumped onto an earlier flight to Chicago - but then I got stuck there. I didn't get into to Philly until 10:30, 3 hours later than expected - it could have been worse. My mom was sick so only was Phil was there to greet me but I was overjoyed at the sight of a familiar face. And so my adventure ends.

Thank you so much to everyone following my experiences - I hope it inspires you to see the world if life gives you the chance. I hope one day to get back to Australia and visit all of my new friends and favorite places. For right now I need to focus on graduating and joining the real world. Cheers and have a happy holidays!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Welcome home! Thanks for sharing your adventures with your blog readers. I am curious to know how many pictures you ended up taking in Australia? :)