Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 134 - TAS - Mt. Field and Hobart

Our plan to sleep in a little was ruined by the camp manager banging on our tent door at 7am. We hadn't been able to register the night before because there were no envelopes left. Grr. Anyway I told him that and he gave us one. We decided to wake up and get showers and move on our way. After brekkie and getting cleaned up we headed for the visitor's center. We hiked a 2 hourish loop to some waterfalls before getting back in the car. The forest was really impressive but it was raining and we were pretty wet by the end of it all. We decided to visit the Cadbury factory instead of actually going into the city of Hobart. Needless to say I bought way too much chocolate - but it was soo cheap. We made one last quick stop for supplies and then headed onward up the East coast to Wine Glass Bay. The weather was overcast but no longer raining so the drive didn't take as long. We passed some Opium fields and some wild turkeys, that was the point when Victoria and I realized it was Thanksgiving - oops. At least we saw turkeys. We reached the Wine Glass Bay parking lot about quarter after 7 and started preparing for our hike ( we planned to hike in to the beach campsite and spend the night). Some over-friendly wallabies invaded our stuff which made the packing go a lot slower and of course we tried to scare them away but it didn't work. Soon we were hiking our way up the hill to get into the bay. We managed to only walk the last 1/2 hour in the dark and it was on the beach so it wasn't too bad. There was another couple in the campground as well. The mozzies (Mosquitoes) were awful but they went away has the night cooled off. We made dinner by my torch light and a possum and her baby nearly climbed into my lap!

Tree huggers



A giant Yabbie (crawdad)- That is not a small log people

Gobble Gobble


Driving on the wrong side!!!

Artistic via Victoria

Over-friendly wallaby (she's not actually touching it)

I asked him to shake and he did


True backpackers

Wine Glass Bay at dusk

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